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Pushing the Envelope: Proven tactics for raising more money with direct mail fundraising letters

By Alan Sharpe (November, 2011) E-book $19.99  Paperback $29.99 The only number that matters in direct mail fundraising is net revenue. Net revenue is the only money you can do mission with. The more net revenue you have, the more good you can do in the world. Pushing the Envelope helps your non-profit organization raise more net […]

Raise More Money and Retain More Donors by Reducing Your Returned Mail

By Alan Sharpe (March 2010) E-book  $9.99 Tips, tactics and industry best practices for reducing your volume of “undeliverable” and “bad addresses.”

180 Ways to Raise Funds and Cut Costs in a Recession

By Alan Sharpe (February 2009) E-book  $9.99 Twenty-seven development professionals describe how to raise funds, cut  costs and retain donors in an economic downturn.

How to Use Testimonials to Inspire and Persuade Your Direct Mail Donors

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Find, feature and format other people’s words to overcome donor skepticism, prove your point, build trust and attract donations.

Build Your List of Email Donors in 80 Easy Ways

By Alan Sharpe (January 2009) E-book  $9.99 Acquire new subscribers, donors, members and advocates with these tested strategies.

How to Recover Your Lapsed Direct Mail Donors

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Discover the financial rewards, savings and long-term benefits of wooing and winning your donors all over again using direct mail.

Eight Sample Donation Thank-You Letters

By Alan Sharpe (February 2005) E-book  $9.99 Learn how to say “thanks” in ways that win the long-term friendship and loyalty of your donors.

Think Like Your Donors to Raise More Funds with Direct Mail Letters

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Discover the secrets to building long-term, profitable, mutually beneficial relationships with your donors.

Mailing Lists: Where and How to Discover the Best Ones for Your Next Direct Mail Appeal

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Acquire new donors and members by mailing to the people most likely to respond to your appeals.

Boost Your Response Rates and Income with Simply Irresistible Fundraising Letter Envelopes

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Learn from 22 examples of fundraising letter packages that really push the envelope.

How to Convert Your Once-Only Direct Mail Donors into Repeat Givers

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Proven direct mail fundraising techniques for renewing your new members and first-time donors—year after year.

Direct Mail Fundraising Arithmetic Demystified

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Master the 14 most common formulas that help you measure—and improve—your  DM fundraising results.

Increase Your Income and Boost Donor Loyalty with Donor-Centered Newsletter Stories

By Alan Sharpe (January 2005) E-book  $9.99 Reap the long-term benefits of putting donors first in your donor newsletters.

The Fundraising Letter P.S.: 100 and 1 Ways to Make Yours More Powerful

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Attract gifts and motivate donors by improving one of the most important sections of your donor appeal letters.

How to Increase the Size and Frequency of Donor Gifts with Fundraising Letters

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Tested, proven tactics for raising more money from your current direct mail donors (with their cheerful participation).

How to Write Effective Direct Mail Fundraising Letter Reply Devices

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Attract the gifts you need by making the donation process quick and painless for your donors (and you).

Attract New Donors and Members with a Magnetic Direct Mail Donor Acquisition Package

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Discover over 75 tips, insider secrets and proven tactics by analyzing a superb donor acquisition package from a national charity.

Six Insider Secrets of Running a Profitable Annual Fundraising Letter Program

By Alan Sharpe (April 2009) E-book  $9.99 Proven techniques from the professionals for building long-term relationships with your donors and members.

31 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Ask Anyone for a Donation with a Fundraising Letter

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Increase your chances of success by answering the vital questions that leading fundraisers ask before writing a single word.

101 Terrific Opening Lines for Your Fundraising Letters

By Alan Sharpe (March 2009) E-book  $9.99 Dozens of quotes, statistics, anecdotes, witticisms, provocative questions and other zingers to make your letters irresistible.

18 Places to Find New Donors Using Fundraising Letters

By Alan Sharpe (March 2005) E-book  $9.99 The professional fundraiser’s guide to creative and cost-effective donor acquisition.

101 Compelling Ways to Ask for Donations with Your Fundraising Letters

By Alan Sharpe (March 2005) E-book  $9.99 The professional fundraiser’s guide to mastering the art of making the ask.

Boost Your Revenues and Donor Loyalty with Effective Donation Thank-You Letters

By Alan Sharpe (February 2005) E-book  $9.99 Master the most important letter in fundraising.  

Anatomy of a Profitable Fundraising Letter

By Alan Sharpe (February 2005) E-book  $9.99 Discover 62 tricks, secrets and tactics used by successful fundraising pros.

51 Ways to Write Original Donation Thank-You Letters (with Sample)

By Alan Sharpe (February 2005) E-book  $9.99 One of the hardest  jobs in fundraising is crafting original thank-you letters. You want to be thankful.  But you also want to be fiscally responsible. You cannot afford to write a unique thank-you letter for  each of the thousands of donations you receive each year. But you also cannot afford […]

Twelve Creative Ways to Ask for Gifts Using Fundraising Letters

By Alan Sharpe (January 2005) E-book  $9.99 In every fundraising letter  you write, you must say what is on your mind in a fresh way. You literally cannot afford to sound like your letters came out of a software box or a book of pre-written, fill-in-the-blanks templates. Those kinds of letters are as deadly to donor loyalty […]

53 Simple Ways to Raise Money with Your Donor Newsletter

By Alan Sharpe (January 2005) E-book  $9.99 The secret to raising funds with a donor newsletter is to strike a balance between informing and asking. After all, it is a newsletter, not an appeal letter. This practical, hands-on guide describes over four dozen simple steps that you can take today to make your donor newsletter more productive […]

The Fundraisers’ Book of Quotations

By Alan Sharpe (January 2006) E-book  $29.99 Inspire and motivate your donors with over 2,700 quips, proverbs, aphorisms, witticisms, zingers, epigrams, quotes, one-liners and words of wisdom from actors, writers, activists, philanthropists, artists, scientists, philosophers, poets, humorists, novelists, inventors, journalists, kings, queens, magnates, presidents, dissidents, preachers, paupers and others, famous and infamous, living and dead.

Online Fundraising Secrets

By Alan Sharpe (January 2009) E-book  $19.99 Learn the latest tactics for attracting website visitors and raising money online with compelling webpages, irresistible email appeals  and engaging email newsletters. To succeed online you need two things: a great website and a great email  fundraising program. This book teaches you about both. Learn how to raise money online […]

Lucrative Donor Newsletters

By Alan Sharpe (January 2009) E-book  $29.99 How to create, write, design and distribute donor newsletters that  recruit supporters, renew donors, retain members, inspire action, build community and raise funds. The secret to your long-term success as a non-profit organization is keeping the  donors you have. Acquiring donors and members is of no use if they give […]